Thursday, January 27, 2011


I'm going to write this as I go, since I am not in class any longer.

I just finished the Science on a sphere exhibit. The video on Global warming was fascinating. Who would ever have thought to put it one a globe? But here, a place that has the three dimensionality, but without needing to spend tends of thousands of dollars for projectors and equipment, but instead a few pennies on uploads... That is a very clever thought. I am amazed at this idea!

Alright... I am so not doing the crab fishing exhibit. I've watched "Dangerous Catch" too much. But a neat idea! It applies what we are talking about, making a story, or adventure, out of learning.

The hurricane exhibit seems a bit broke. I'm in three piggybacked planes. Make that four. Ooh! Neat! Clouds! (Welcome to the wide world of Stream Of Conciousness class assignments.) And now I am stuck in the plane. Okay, other than flying through a cloud layer, that one was less impressive.

Oh, a choice between the tsunami exhibit or the submarine? Well, everyone in class was talking about the Tsunami exhibit. I'll take a page from Robert Frost here.

Well, now, the submarine tour just took me past a sunken car. Is that Jimmy Hoffa? And there's a scooter... Ooh! Undersea vent and octopus! Neat. The orca is creeping me out...

Alright, that was interesting. The ocean seems to be getting pretty junked up though. I suspect that may be the point.

And I'm stuck inside the ride again... Note to self. When designing interfaces, make sure you don't get stuck in them.

Ooh. Falling out of the sub in desperation had an unexpected dividend. I found a hidden sign that takes you to a web page for the underwater lab NOAA ran. Niiiiiice. Of course, now I'm all (simulated) wet.

All in all, a well arranged sim. Very good looking, and with interesting ways to educate. My favorite was the globe exhibit, but the rides were a neat way to do it.

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